I, like many others, have struggled with my weight.
I grew up as a jock and played a lot of sports.
When I went to college, I stopped all of that activity and started gaining weight.
I had two babies, gained more weight.
As a woman, I know that I wanted to be healthy for my future self.
As a Mom, I knew that I needed to change my life so that I would be able to play and run with my kids. I also know that I want my kids to learn what it is to make healthy food and lifestyle choices.
So I began!
I joined up with a few other ladies and we have gotten together and supported each other on this lifestyle journey together. It has been amazing and these ladies have always had my back, pushed me to be the best me I can be, and we have run a few 5k's together.
While I have dropped 30lbs. the most important thing I have learned are the words I use around my two daughters. My girls mimic everything I say and do! I ask about calories, they ask. I ask about sugar, they ask. When I am trying on clothes, and say how huge or fat I look, they see they will say these same things too.
When my husband told me that our daughters are saying everything I say, I thought he was lying!
Then I heard and saw it with my own two eyes. I knew I had to change how I see myself.
Things had to change!
So they did!
I no longer say how many calories are in foods. Instead I comment on how healthy of a choice it is. I have learned to love my body how it is and work hard to change it.
My girls have commented on how they want to do exercise with me. I want to teach them how exercise is fun.
So, Run or DYE it is!
We went with two other Moms and their kids.
This is my oldest and her best friend! They literally rolled in the powder :)
Myself and my beautiful girls!
Rolling in their favorite color :)
We three Moms ROCKED this 5k!
The cleanup was a little bit exhausting, but we are all looking forward to doing it again!! SOON!